So, I know it's been a long time since my last blog, I am so sorry, but I'm back now and would love to fill you in on a few things.
1. A Huge Thank You to all of you who helped at the Christmas Fair. It was its usual fun and chaos and it looked like everyone was having a jolly festive time. The profit raised from the Christmas fair was £650! THANK YOU.
2. The scholastic book fair, back in the autumn raised a whopping £615, which Mr McBean has been enjoying spending on a hoard of new books.
3. Money raised from easyfundraising over its first 4 terms has raised £427.88! This is fantastic as it is 'free money' that the school receives every time you as parents and family spend online with signed up retailers. If you don't know about easyfundraising speak to your local powsa member of leave a comment here and I'll fill you in.
4. I have been asked to remind you all of the clothing bank that we have situated on the school grounds. Any fabric/ clothes can be bagged and placed in the clothing bin, and the school receive payment by the weight of fabric collected. Please ensure that you are placing donated items in the correct bin. The schools collection bin is in the STAFF CAR PARK on school grounds, not the charity collection bin on the opposite side of the road. Many thanks for your continued donations.
5. We have been asked to publish information about where all this fundraising money goes. I am delighted to tell you all, that we have recently given £1000 to the reception class for them to develop their outside playing area. More on this and other projects supported to follow at a later date.
Finally... Two dates for your diary, Firstly the next POWSA meeting is being held on the 12th March, and its a good one to make your first meeting as we are planning an evening out in a local eating establishment! Details to follow. Finally, the summer fair this year will be held on Saturday the 18th May. Put the date in your diary and tell your friends, and remember its never to soon to be thinking of good weather for the day!
Well, I think that's it! Thats certainly enough information for now, any questions or ideas, either ask your local POWSA member, or comment here and I'll get back to you.
Hope the Spring term is going well for you,
Take care, Kate POWSA.