Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Christmas Fair

Hi there everyone.

Well, we have been busy planning this years Christmas fair, So busy in fact, that we forgot to send out a letter on Friday informing you all that it is non school uniform day on Friday.  Like last year we ask for a contribution of a bottle or box of chocolates to be delivered into Mr Farringtons office on Friday morning, ready to become prizes for the tombolas!!  Please may we ask that you just chat about this to as many parents as you see in the next few days, we would hate for someone not to get the message and come in uniform!

Also don't forget to return your raffle ticket stumps and money to the school office, last chance is this Friday.

School events are great fun, and always help raise much needed funds for our school, but they don't happen without the help and support of you, the parents.  If you can, we would be grateful for any volunteers on Friday, either helping to set up/ pack down or run a stall.  Just half an hour can make a huge difference and it is a lot of fun.

Thanks again for all your support,
Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday
Kate and the POWSA team

Friday, 15 November 2013

Father Christmas is coming.

We are POWSA are very exciting because we have just had confirmation that Father Christmas is able to attend this years Christmas Fair.  As a consequence, we are planning on setting up a nice cosy space for him to meet all our little ones (and not so little ones).  We were wondering if anyone has a suitable fireside/throne-like/Grandpa chair that we could borrow on that evening (6th December) for our very special guest to use?
If you think you do have a suitable piece of furniture either speak to one of the POWSA team or mention it to the school office who will be able to pass the message onto us.
Many Thanks
Kate and the POWSA team

Thursday, 7 November 2013


A quick reminder that the POWSA AGM is this evening at 19.45 in the school staff room.
All very welcome to attend
Hope to see you there!
Kate and the POWSA team
p.s. The scones have been baked and there will be fresh cream!

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


POWSA would like to say a HUGE Thank You.  Our recent Autumnfest event raised a massive £477.16!!
This is a magnificent achievement.  Not only was the evening full of family fun, good food, incredible stories and autumn art, it has help raised some extra funds for our amazing school and children. 

I am also going to take this opportunity to remind you all that the POWSA AGM is this coming Thursday the 7th November, 19.45, in the school staff room.  This is an ideal opportunity to come along and experience what we do in POWSA behind the scenes.  It is a fantastic way to get to know other parents, help your school and even have some fun!!  I have been reliably informed that this year there will be homemade cake! 

Thanks again for all you continued support
Kate and the POWSA team

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Quick reminders

Hi guys, just a few quick reminders.

Don't forget that tomorrow is the last day to get you pre-orders for the Ultimate Plum puddings. At £5 each they are a bargain and, in addition, a generous percentage of the money raised goes back to POWSA.
Secondly, there is still time to pick up an application form for 'design your own Christmas/greetings cards'. More information can be found on the outside noticeboard with application forms pinned to the POWSA noticeboard opposite the office.
Finally, Mr Farrington has asked me to remind you all to please take just a few moments of time and fill out the 'Parents View' questionnaire. A link to the questionnaire can be found on the school's homepage. It's only 12 questions with multiple choice answers, and the information gathered is used by OFSTED to gain an understanding on how parents view the school.
Have a great weekend and check the blog next week as we will have the grand total of money raised from our inaugural AUTUMNFEST event!
Kate and the POWSA team.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013


Hi there,
So AUTUMNFEST is THIS FRIDAY! Hands up who's excited!
Chilli is bubbling away, potatoes are getting ready to put on their jackets, and our storytellers are busy practising their stories! This is promising to be a fantastic family event, I hope you are looking forward to it as much as we at POWSA are.
Just a few things to remember
Children - please bring a torch with you, you may want to use this to navigate around the site, and it will help the storytellers see what they are reading as it gets really dark!
Also don't forget to bring your carved pumpkins and funky vegetable monsters to school with you on Friday morning, along with your £1 entry fee, and place them in Mr Farington's office ready for judging!
Grown ups - This is an evening event, it will be getting dark. We hope this will add to the atmosphere and enjoyment of the evening but obviously comes with greater risks. We would like to remind you that your children are your responsibility. It is lovely that they feel so at home at school, and we don't want to detract from the enjoyment of the evening, but please be mindful of the additional dangers and risks involved with this event - Thank you.
In addition, we would like to make it clear in the interests of safety, no child will be allowed in without being part of adult led group. I hope you understand the need for these conditions.
Ok, the only thing left to say is don't forget to have fun, bring some money for hot chocolate and cake and send positive thoughts for a dry evening!!!!!!!!
See you Friday
Kate and the POWSA team.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Hi there,
Just to let you know that POWSA met last night to organise the last minute details of AUTUMNFEST.  Which, if you dont know, is our brand new POWSA event being held on Friday 18th Octobver at the school. More details can be found on the POWSA notice board outside school or by asking you class teracher or any POWSA member.  Keep your eyes on the blog over the next couple of days as some remind
ers will come out.
Ok, the main event of this blog is to inform you all that we have set a date for this years AGM.  It will be held on Thursday 7th November, at 19.45, in the school staff room.  If you are interested in getting involved in POWSA, or simply just want to find out what all the fuss is about, the AGM is a good place to start.  Come along and meet the team, have a say in electing new officers for thr coming year, and find out what we are planning for the school and children in the future.  I have been reliably informed that this year there will be homemade cakes, as a way to tept you all into coming.  There is ABSOLUTLY NO EXPECTATION that you will vlounteer for any duties, or even make every meeting, just come along, show you interst, have a say, meet some like minded paretns and have some fun.
Look forward to seeing you there
Dont forget about the cake!
See you Friday 18th at AUTUMNFEST
Kate and the POWSA team

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Autumnfest Reminder

Hi there everyone,
Just a quick reminder that tomorrow is the last day to get your pre-orders in for tickets and food for the new POWSA event, Autumnfest. You don't have to have the reply slip, just jot down how many tickets you want on a piece of paper along with you food order, half jacket or whole jacket potato, with either chilli, beans or cheese and drop it into the office with payment.
Hope to see as many of you there, should be an amazing new event for the school calendar,
See you soon
Kate and the POWSA team.

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

AUTUMNFEST Friday 18 Oct

Hi folks

Just a reminder that our family fun evening, better known as AUTUMNFEST, is fast approaching. We in POWSA have been working hard to create an evening of exciting stories, delicious food and family fun.

There'll be a letter coming out soon, which will let you know how to book your place at what promises to be a special evening for children and grown ups alike.

Also... are you lucky enough to have an apple tree? Have you been wondering what to do with all that surplus fruit? Well, wonder no more! We are looking for apples to be donated for one of the fun family activities we've got planned (bet you'll never guess what it is!). If you are able to donate, please leave your apples with the school office.

Many thanks

Kate and and POWSA team

Thursday, 5 September 2013

Welcome back!!

Hi there,
Welcome back! I hope that your summer holiday was as exciting and as unforgettable as ours.  It doesn't seem like 7 weeks ago we were leaving school for the long break, and now all of a sudden we are back.  So, as well as getting back into the school time routine, us POWSA members have already set a date for our next planning meeting.  We are meeting Monday 9th Sept, 19.45 in the Poet Laureate, Poundbury.  As always,  please feel free to come along.  This meeting is a planning meeting for a new event we are hoping to run soon.  We will also set a date for the AGM, and discuss any new ideas or tie up any loose ends from last year.  A good meeting to be your first meeting if you've never been before.  
Hope to see you there
Kate (and the rest of POWSA!)

Friday, 21 June 2013

POWSA Meeting

Hi there guys,
Just to let you know that the next POWSA meeting is being held on the 9th July at 19:45 at the new Wagamama restaurant in Brewery square. New faces are always welcome.  We are a small group of committed parents and teachers who enjoy raising money for our school and children, and without all your help and support this just wouldn't happen.  However, our core group is getting smaller and smaller and as a consequence recent events have been much harder to organise and run.  Therefore we would ask you to seriously consider coming along to the next meeting, ask your questions, find out what its all about and see if becoming a POWSA member is something you would like to do.  There is no expectation on your time, we wont sign you up to do anything, we just ask you come along, meet us and enjoy a nice meal.  If you do fancy coming would you be kind enough to let a POWSA member know, or leave your name with the school office, just so we can ensure a big enough table.
Hope to see you there
Kate and the POWSA team.

Tuesday, 21 May 2013


Just a quick post to say a HUGE THANK YOU, to all of you who helped make the summer fair such a success! At the time of writing we don't have an exact figure on how much we all raised, as soon as we do I'll let you know.
To add to the total, the silent auction is running until first thing Wednesday morning, so pop into the office and pick up a form and return it by drop off Wednesday morning. Very good prizes available at what could be very good prices.
Just a quick reminder, don't forget to keep donating to the ragbag, old clothes, bed clothes, towels etc all gratefully received!
I'll keep in touch regarding figures

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Silent Auction

The silent auction started at the Summer Fair on Saturday 18th May and will be drawn on the morning of Wednesday 22nd May - so you still have time to bid for one of the items!  Please go to the school office for a bid form.

Item 1 - a set of second hand ladies golf clubs with a brand new golf bag. 

Item 2 – A family ticket to Wookey Hole Caves and attractions

Item 3 – Family ticket to Lulworth Castle

Item 4 - 2 child tickets to Fleet Air Arm Museum.

Item 5 - 2 child tickets to Marwell Zoo.

Item 6 – White Company Fragrance Set.

Item 7 – A ladies bag and 2 scarves.

Item 8 – 3 course Dinner for two at Moonfleet Manor (excluding drinks).

Item 9 – Lunch for two at Olives et al

Item 10 - Green Fee voucher for four people at Came Down Golf Club

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Such fun!

For those of you who missed it, Friday night was Beetle Drive Night! We had fast and furious fun building our beetles - and it wasn't as complicated as I first thought!! The kids had great fun, refreshments were available at very competitive prices and excellent prizes achieved by the winners. But don't fret, I fully expect this fantastic evening to be replicated and become a firm family favourite!
As well as running the beetle drive this week, POWSA have also been organising the school summer fair. This year the fair is on Sat 18th May 11am-2pm. As always we are in need of volunteers to run the various stalls. A sign up sheet in up on the POWSA notice board in the school foyer, please sign up for whatever you feel able to do. The more volunteers we have the more fun we can have, the more fun we have the more money we raise for our fantastic and our wonderful children and their teachers.
Enjoy your week and keep an eye on the blog for regular updates and info.
Kate and the POWSA team.

Friday, 19 April 2013

Beetle drive!

It has come to my attention that some of you don't know what a beetle drive is! On the 26th of April POWSA will be running a beetle drive, which is a fun packed evening for all the family. Involving speed, dice and drawing! Entry forms on arrival and prizes for each completed beetle and refreshments available. Come along and get competitive with other teams and see if you can be the first to complete a beetle!

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Easter quiz!

Hi guys, a very warm welcome back for this exciting last term of the year. I trust you all had a wonderful Easter. Just a quick note to remind you all that the Easter egg hunt and quiz forms need to be returned to the school office by the end of the week. Don't forget there is a little something for every child that enters and returns their form. Also the next POWSA meeting is next Tuesday 23rd April, at 34 Treves road 7.45pm. Come along and get involved, you never know you might just enjoy yourself!
Take care

Wednesday, 27 March 2013


Hey there,
There's just one day left to buy your EGGS-trodinary Easter Quiz. Available from the school office for a not at all EGG-stravagent £2, it's EGG-static fun for all the family and ever child entry receives an EGG-cellent chocolate egg! EGG-cel yourselves by answering questions, take a walk around out beautiful historic town and take part in some egg spotting. It's truly EGG-citing!! I hope you all EGG-cel.
Have an EGG-stravagent Easter and we'll see you in the summer term.
That's all yolks!

Sunday, 17 March 2013


It would appear that before the children are able to start moving the large stone at the top of the field, as part of ancient history week, we may have to evict a squatter. Either that or just wait for some sun (that might take a while!).
Hope you all had a good weekend. Don't forget it's the Fun Run this Sunday the 24th March. Why not come along, have some fun, get a bit fitter and raise some money for school.
Entry forms can be found online by searching Dorchester Fun Run or at the Leisure Centre.
Pre School Bingo this Friday in the school hall, doors open 5.30pm eyes down 6.00pm
Have a good week.

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

POWSA tonight!

Hi there,
Nothing like leaving it till the last minute and I apologise for the late notice, but the afore mentioned POWSA meeting is being help at Prezzos tonight, in Dorchester at 19.45.
Why not make your first meeting one with food and wine!
Hope to see you there

Friday, 8 March 2013

Fun Run

So, own up, How many of you had New Years resolutions to do more exercise, eat healthier, go to the gym more, that just haven't happened?! Well nows your chance to put all that right. A few families are running in the Dorchester Fun Run, and would love more friends to get involved. There is the choice of 1 mile or for the more adventurous 2 miles!! So why not give it a go, it's a fabulous opportunity to have some fun and get a bit of exercise with all the family. Go on, you know you want to.

Thursday, 7 March 2013

POWSA catch up.

So, I know it's been a long time since my last blog, I am so sorry, but I'm back now and would love to fill you in on a few things.
1. A Huge Thank You to all of you who helped at the Christmas Fair. It was its usual fun and chaos and it looked like everyone was having a jolly festive time. The profit raised from the Christmas fair was £650! THANK YOU.

2. The scholastic book fair, back in the autumn raised a whopping £615, which Mr McBean has been enjoying spending on a hoard of new books.

3. Money raised from easyfundraising over its first 4 terms has raised £427.88! This is fantastic as it is 'free money' that the school receives every time you as parents and family spend online with signed up retailers. If you don't know about easyfundraising speak to your local powsa member of leave a comment here and I'll fill you in.

4. I have been asked to remind you all of the clothing bank that we have situated on the school grounds. Any fabric/ clothes can be bagged and placed in the clothing bin, and the school receive payment by the weight of fabric collected. Please ensure that you are placing donated items in the correct bin. The schools collection bin is in the STAFF CAR PARK on school grounds, not the charity collection bin on the opposite side of the road. Many thanks for your continued donations.

5. We have been asked to publish information about where all this fundraising money goes. I am delighted to tell you all, that we have recently given £1000 to the reception class for them to develop their outside playing area. More on this and other projects supported to follow at a later date.

Finally... Two dates for your diary, Firstly the next POWSA meeting is being held on the 12th March, and its a good one to make your first meeting as we are planning an evening out in a local eating establishment! Details to follow. Finally, the summer fair this year will be held on Saturday the 18th May. Put the date in your diary and tell your friends, and remember its never to soon to be thinking of good weather for the day!

Well, I think that's it! Thats certainly enough information for now, any questions or ideas, either ask your local POWSA member, or comment here and I'll get back to you.
Hope the Spring term is going well for you,
Take care, Kate POWSA.