Well, we have been busy planning this years Christmas fair, So busy in fact, that we forgot to send out a letter on Friday informing you all that it is non school uniform day on Friday. Like last year we ask for a contribution of a bottle or box of chocolates to be delivered into Mr Farringtons office on Friday morning, ready to become prizes for the tombolas!! Please may we ask that you just chat about this to as many parents as you see in the next few days, we would hate for someone not to get the message and come in uniform!
Also don't forget to return your raffle ticket stumps and money to the school office, last chance is this Friday.
School events are great fun, and always help raise much needed funds for our school, but they don't happen without the help and support of you, the parents. If you can, we would be grateful for any volunteers on Friday, either helping to set up/ pack down or run a stall. Just half an hour can make a huge difference and it is a lot of fun.
Thanks again for all your support,
Looking forward to seeing you all on Friday
Kate and the POWSA team
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