Hi there,
Just to let you know that POWSA met last night to organise the last minute details of AUTUMNFEST. Which, if you dont know, is our brand new POWSA event being held on Friday 18th Octobver at the school. More details can be found on the POWSA notice board outside school or by asking you class teracher or any POWSA member. Keep your eyes on the blog over the next couple of days as some remind
ers will come out.

Ok, the main event of this blog is to inform you all that we have set a date for this years AGM. It will be held on Thursday 7th November, at 19.45, in the school staff room. If you are interested in getting involved in POWSA, or simply just want to find out what all the fuss is about, the AGM is a good place to start. Come along and meet the team, have a say in electing new officers for thr coming year, and find out what we are planning for the school and children in the future. I have been reliably informed that this year there will be homemade cakes, as a way to tept you all into coming. There is ABSOLUTLY NO EXPECTATION that you will vlounteer for any duties, or even make every meeting, just come along, show you interst, have a say, meet some like minded paretns and have some fun.
Look forward to seeing you there
Dont forget about the cake!
See you Friday 18th at AUTUMNFEST
Kate and the POWSA team
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