Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Christmas Cheer

Here at Powsa Towers the halls are bedecked with boughs of holly, there are small groups of ruddy faced urchins singing carols for a copper penny and there's many a leaping lord giving it a tra-la-la which just makes me feel so festive I want to shout Ho! Ho! Holy mackerel it's the Christmas Fair on Friday and I haven't

  • booked a spot to go and see Santa (sign up sheets are outside of the office in the main school)
  • booked a spot for the kids to go and see Santa
  • Made any bids on the silent auction lots
  • Cleared space by throwing out all the old knick knacks and heirlooms for the amazing range of crafted goods that will be on sale
  • Set a budget to win THAT prize on the Chinese Raffle
  • Practiced my skills for the "fun" games, not that I'm competitive or anything
As if that's not enough there will be refreshments available at the Christmas Cafe, the Tombolas will be out with prizes suitable for all you cheeky boys and girls. Did I mention Santa will be there?

As if that's not enough to get you in the festive mood I heard that song for the first time this year, you know the really cheery Christmas on, how does it go? "You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap lazy......"

It could hve been worse, it could have been Noddy Holder shouting IT'S CHRISTMAS

See you Friday, straight after school til 5:30 in the main hall, bring a donation for the Tombola in by the start of lessons on Friday if you have anything to spare.

And finally, if you managed to avoid the temptation to complete all of your online shopping for the festive period last Friday, don't forgot to log on via easy fundraising, it's free, it's easy and benefits everyone at the school.

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