The Summer Fair is back on and, I don't know about the rest of you keen Prince O'Wales folks but here at POWSA Towers we are quite literally rocking back and forth like over excited children on a toy horse. Having felt as blue as a
Once again the weather forecasters have been consulted (these are new ones after the last ones threatened apocalyptic conditions which turned out to be rather wet and a bit blowy but not all bad. The old ones currently reside in the subterranean maze here at POWSA Towers following a trail of seaweed which may eventually lead to their salvation) and they reassure me that it will be warm with a few clouds, around 19C so sun hats are advised as is a bit of the old cream.
As for the fair itself it is a little quieter without the other schools and the sports tournaments but be assured there is still plenty to keep you everyone entertained, fed and watered. We look forward to welcoming you all after school on Friday for games food and fun.
See you then.
On Friday 24th June, 3:30 - 5:00pm for games, tombolas, BBQ and fun.