POWSA EGM - Tuesday 26th Jan 7:45pm in the staffroom at school.
Can you imagine the excitement here at POWSA Towers at the prospect of another meeting to elect officers to vacant positions on the POWSA committee. For those of you who haven't lived through the circus that is POWSA election season think of the fervor that gripped the nation at the sight of Jeremy Corbyn's Hush Puppies intensified to the power of Boris Johnson's hair style with a liberal pinch of Sarah Palin sense* thrown in for good measure.
Alternatively it might be a group of volunteer parents trying to decide the best ways to help the school raise much needed funds to help all of our children and any help that you can give will be gratefully received. Don't worry, we won't elect you president at your first meeting, we will offer you a cup of tea and say "Hi"though and there have been scones in the past but I can't promise these again.
So please come along and help us to help our school, that's this Tuesday the 26th in the staffroom at 7:45pm.
*That is the first time in recorded history that the words "Liberal", "Sarah Palin", and "sense" have ever appeared in the same sentence