Tomorrow (Friday) after school, the Christmas fair starts at 3:30.
Please bring a donation (some chocolate or a bottle for the tombola) and it's a non-uniform day. Don't forget after school lots of stalls and Christmas fun!
See you there!
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Monday, 10 October 2016
And BINGO was his name
The majestic POWSA Towers sits amongst glorious parkland here in my mind palace, and it just so happens that this parkland was recently being used by a troupe of boy scouts for a jolly jamboree. As much as it was fun watching them learn to whittle (knife skills badge), build improvised shelters (woodcraft badge) and start fires (pyromaniac badge), the part I most enjoyed was hearing their lovely sing-alongs of an evening. It was far nicer than the month before when we had the Monmouth Rugby Club ladies team here, their songs were of a somewhat coarser nature.
One of my favourite toe tapping, hand clapping numbers was B-I-N-G-O was his name, a delightful song of a farmer and his best friend a cheeky pooch called B I N G O. All of which really brings me nicely onto the subject of the first family event that we at POWSA are hosting this year, Family Bingo. (No, it's not about families of dogs roaming wild, that was merely a useful tool to introduce the subject of Bingo and it gives me an excuse for a gratuitously annoying You Tube clip just here )
So if you think you can be faster than Granny down at the Mecca, able to handle more cards than Grandpa at Christmas or even fancy a fun evening out with the kids please join us. There will be some prizes (and chocolate) on offer for winning lines and books of bingo cards are very reasonably priced. It's held here at school in the hall and all are welcome. So come along, bring some pennies and eyes down, first one to complete a line is a winner.....
Book Fair
That being the case, it is always pleasing to add to the catalogue of titles and whenever the Book Fair comes to town, we excitedly rush to see what all the cool kids are reading and restock the library shelves , maybe even pick up a few early presents (Christmas shopping in October, crazy). Please take the time to come and have a browse in the mornings or from 3pm in the afternoon if you would like a little more peaceful and contemplative experience . Doors officially open on Wednesday and we hope to see you there.
Friday, 30 September 2016
It Lives!!
Things here at POWSA Towers have taken a turn for the Gothic this week as we have been locked in our subterranean work & play space (that's what Estate Agents call dungeons nowadays) refreshing and re-animating the sleeping beast known as POWSA.
In an homage to Dr Frankenstein and his methods of re-animation we have used several jars of lightening and the limbs, organs and minds of many to produce our latest creation. As is inevitable with such change we have had to remove and recycle several older limbs and minds but don't worry, they have been released to a good home (DMS PTA anyone?) and our needlework is so neat and tidy they have been left with hardly any scars.
All of this is a rather convoluted way of saying POWSA held it's AGM earlier this week and it was great to see so many new faces from both the school and pre-school in attendance as well as many of the established residents of POWSA Towers. If you couldn't make the meeting but would like to find out more about what we do or volunteer a little time (that's all we ask) please ask at the office, grab any of our members or reply to this blog/post and we'll happily talk with you about the work we do and the help you can give.
By way of an update we have already penned the first big dates of the year into the calendar, so watch this space for news of the Family Bingo, Harvest Cafe and Christmas Fair.
Rather ambitiously this year we are hoping to help the school raise additional funds to revamp the pond and garden areas to make them accessible to all, so every effort & penny raised will be put to a great use.
We also hope that, unlike Dr Frankenstein, we have created a force that will generally be seen as serving the good of the school community and not scaring people for the next 200 years.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
It's Oh So Quiet
POWSA Towers is oh,so quiet. Is anybody else missing their children yet? I know it was chaos and there was Lego/ Shopkins / Toy Cars / Decapitated Dolls (delete as appropriate) left in the most unexpected places, but now the wee ones have gone back to school and the dust is allowed to settle it's just too quiet.
Having spent 6 weeks craving a grown up and adult conversation I now miss the question about ladybirds and their ability to suntan or the finer points of Battle Monopoly and why it should be in the Olympics (watch this space Prince of Wales, it's a nailed on Gold if we can get this recognised by the IOC).
For those who do crave a more sober and mature (ish) conversation the POWSA AGM is scheduled to take place on Tuesday 27th September at school starting at 7:45pm. As a group we will be bidding farewell to some of our members as their children and focus move on to Middle School but we also hope to say hello to as many of you as possible who may be interested in finding out more about us and how we support the school.
For those who have never attended a PTA session before the thought can be intimidating but we are all friendly parents who want to help the school offer the best of opportunities to all the pupils who pass through it's doors, whilst having a little fun along the way. We give up a little bit of time every now and then to help provide some of those extras that help make our school such a fantastic place and if you would like to learn more we would love to see you.
What's more I can confidently say there will be cake.
Please come along on the 27th at 7:45pm to the staffroom and say hello, there's no compulsion to eat the cake but I would heartily recommend it!
And for anyone else who is also finding it a little quieter than normal
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
so long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye
We have reached that point in mid July when we prepare to wave "so long" to another school year, and "so long"to Year 4 with best wishes for their future endeavors as they prepare for the next year's challenges at BIG SCHOOL. Life at our school continues, its pace unchecked with new faces and new challenges, trials and tribulations to keep everyone on their toes.
There are some wonderful, caring people who will be leaving the school community and the school has made sure it has had time to say "farewell" .We will miss them all as valued members of staff who have enriched the lives of so many children, including our own.
This blog wishes you all the very best, but we also want say "auf wiedersehen" to a few people who may otherwise slip away quietly, their contributions by no means as well publicised.
Here at POWSA Towers we are awaiting the arrival of the cleaners as some of the most committed members of the POWSA team vacate the premises to move on to pastures new. I am sure they will not wish to be named publicly but their contribution and commitment to the school has had an amazingly positive impact. How will we remember them? A bit too gungho with face paint and overly committed to multiple PTA's (she's not addicted, she can give them up at anytime); keen to dose children up on sugar (Green candyfloss anyone?) and organiser of cloth recycling to the stars; overly straightforward in their approach (she's an engineer!) and amazingly giving with her time for the musicians; or just too darn organised to be true (that's you Jo!). We're going to miss you all, but, you will be welcome to come back and visit anytime, the key is under the mat so do let yourselves in.
All of which is a really really long winded way to say "goodbye" but also to let the rest of you know that we will be looking for more new members next year. You don't have to give all of your spare time just a few hours a term would help greatly. If you're not sure who we are, ask any of the teachers who will be able to point you in the right direction or come along to any of our meetings and say "hi".
So long for now, have a great Summer and we will see you again next year.
Tuesday, 5 July 2016
Staying Alive
The walls of POWSA Towers are trembling this week to the solid bass sounds of the latest movers and shakers from the Hit Parade. The grand hall has been turned into an exact replica of the Roxy circa 1986, with a glitterball, smoke machine, super flashing lights, maybe a strobe or 2 and a well stocked bar supplying Quattro, Tizer and, (for the men out there) Shandy Bass. The dress code is simple, if what you're wearing is in then you're in.
Back in the real world, however, life goes on and as we stumble towards the finishing line of yet another year at school (another year....where has it gone?) POWSA is pleased to announce that tickets are now on sale for the end of year Disco which takes place this Friday. Despite my best efforts in producing numerous C60 and C90 mix tapes to show off my skills on the wheels of steel an executive decision has been made we will be employing a "professional" DJ
The Disco will be split into 2 slots, an "early" Disco for the younger children starting at 4:30pm -5:30 (Yrs 1 & 2) and a later slot for the older children starting at 6:00pm until 7:30(Yrs 3 & 4). We would ask that collections are prompt to allow us to ensure that the hall is made ready for the next group in.
Tickets are on sale from the office and refreshments will be available on the day, and to recap FRIDAY 8th JULY and tickets are available from the office NOW.
And for anyone who ever doubted my ability to pick a tune just check this bad boy out on You Tube (does anyone else remember when saying "You Tube" to someone was mildly insulting?).
Get those dancing feet out
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Summer Fair - Take 2
The Summer Fair is back on and, I don't know about the rest of you keen Prince O'Wales folks but here at POWSA Towers we are quite literally rocking back and forth like over excited children on a toy horse. Having felt as blue as a
Once again the weather forecasters have been consulted (these are new ones after the last ones threatened apocalyptic conditions which turned out to be rather wet and a bit blowy but not all bad. The old ones currently reside in the subterranean maze here at POWSA Towers following a trail of seaweed which may eventually lead to their salvation) and they reassure me that it will be warm with a few clouds, around 19C so sun hats are advised as is a bit of the old cream.
As for the fair itself it is a little quieter without the other schools and the sports tournaments but be assured there is still plenty to keep you everyone entertained, fed and watered. We look forward to welcoming you all after school on Friday for games food and fun.
See you then.
On Friday 24th June, 3:30 - 5:00pm for games, tombolas, BBQ and fun.
Thursday, 19 May 2016
F(airly) A(wful) I(nclement) R(ubbish) Weather News
After much deliberation and extensive consultation with seaweed toting experts the decision has been made to postpone the Summer fair until ....the Summer.
As is often the case I got it completely wrong, blogging last week how the weather looked set to be fair when really it is going to rain and blow tempestuously. We will re-arrange the fair and we will let you all know as soon as we have agreed a new date so please don't worry, there will be opportunities yet to hook a duck, smash a plate or even adopt a Teddy, just not this Saturday.
Non school uniform day is going ahead and we will be holding a cake sale and mini cafe after school tomorrow. Anyone who has painted a stone or made a mini garden these will still be judged. The blind auction is also still going ahead as scheduled so please return your completed bidding forms as soon as possible.
Those of you who have kindly volunteered to help, your time will be greatly appreciated once we have confirmed the new date.
As is often the case I got it completely wrong, blogging last week how the weather looked set to be fair when really it is going to rain and blow tempestuously. We will re-arrange the fair and we will let you all know as soon as we have agreed a new date so please don't worry, there will be opportunities yet to hook a duck, smash a plate or even adopt a Teddy, just not this Saturday.
Non school uniform day is going ahead and we will be holding a cake sale and mini cafe after school tomorrow. Anyone who has painted a stone or made a mini garden these will still be judged. The blind auction is also still going ahead as scheduled so please return your completed bidding forms as soon as possible.
Those of you who have kindly volunteered to help, your time will be greatly appreciated once we have confirmed the new date.
Thursday, 12 May 2016
Fayre's Fair?
At POWSA Towers this morning there was a tangible excitement in the air as the little munchkins devoured their cornflakes and we oldies embraced yet another warming morning cuppa and settled down to discuss our favourite subject. Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen it was the weather and not just the weather in general but the specific weather that was being unveiled on the long range forecast that very morning.
You've guessed by now it was the first day that the weather for the Summer Fair was shown on the BBC website, a day when Punxsutawney Phil could take it easy and we mere mortals could begin furtively sneaking glances at our devices to check the weather for THE social event of the Summer. So get out your devices and log on now, the 21st is showing as being quite warm, maybe a bit cloudy but no rain at the moment, a fine day for watching those running around and playing football or netball or eating ice lollies and burgers. May I also mention you could be munching on candyfloss, hooking a duck (not a real duck, that would be cruel), painting some jars or smashing some plates, helping re-home a once loved Teddy (aah) or even picking up a bargain bike or a scooter.
Once again our thanks go out to Brace of Butchers who are kindly supplying the burgers and sausages, helping re-iterate the farm to fork ethos that we all enjoy and ensuring that the burgers and hot dogs are pretty darn tasty.
This also means there's little time left to start to plan your miniature gardens or select your stones for painting, there are prizes in each age group and competition is bound to be strong (I am painting a miniature garden on my stone, 1 entry but double the chances of winning)
The Fair starts at 11am with the football and netball tournaments getting into full swing and will finish by 2pm with the winners presentations. We hope you will all join us for a great day and just in case you haven't got the hint it's in big black letters below.
11AM - 2PM
Sign up sheets will be up next week!

Friday, 18 March 2016
Bingo, Butter & Buns
No, Bingo Butter & Buns are not the nicknames of 3 chums from school who went on to become ace fighter pilots during the war and then formed a small town veterinary practice, it is simply a cheap alliteration to help remind us that the end of term approaches. I say approaches, but really it looms larger than the Tyrannosaurus Rex in that bit in Jurassic Park, there are only 6 sleeps to go and there's a lot to cover off in these last few days.
So, rather like a Victorian schoolmaster, it's time to recite our 3 B's
Bingo - Bingo for the whole family, tonight in the school hall. Doors open at 5:30 and eyes down is at 6:00pm. There will be light refreshments available for those who can tear their eyes away from the magic numbers and relinquish their grasp on their lucky blotters. Please join us for a fun evening.
Butter & Buns - Next Thursday 24th March is the last day of term and there will be the traditional Easter Cafe at school from 3pm. Join us for a hot cross bun (the butter is optional) and a drink to help celebrate the end of term and wish Mrs Thorne a wonderful retirement.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and will be back next term. Being the Summer term we will be hosting the Summer fair, including the netball and football tournaments, BBQ and fun games for all. Watch the blog and facebook for updates and, as ever, if you can spare us some of your time to help on the day it would help make the day that little bit better for all.
So, rather like a Victorian schoolmaster, it's time to recite our 3 B's
Bingo - Bingo for the whole family, tonight in the school hall. Doors open at 5:30 and eyes down is at 6:00pm. There will be light refreshments available for those who can tear their eyes away from the magic numbers and relinquish their grasp on their lucky blotters. Please join us for a fun evening.
Butter & Buns - Next Thursday 24th March is the last day of term and there will be the traditional Easter Cafe at school from 3pm. Join us for a hot cross bun (the butter is optional) and a drink to help celebrate the end of term and wish Mrs Thorne a wonderful retirement.
We look forward to seeing you at these events and will be back next term. Being the Summer term we will be hosting the Summer fair, including the netball and football tournaments, BBQ and fun games for all. Watch the blog and facebook for updates and, as ever, if you can spare us some of your time to help on the day it would help make the day that little bit better for all.
Friday, 4 March 2016
Reuse - Recycle
I mean where did these extra inches come from? How very rude of them to grow in the middle of a term, it's just not cricket.
Being an e-minded adult I immediately logged onto several shopping sites (having logged on through Easy Fundraising obvs!) to find that I was going to have to postpone the repairs on the roof of the staff quarters again as I refreshed the children's wardrobes in the larger sizes, and also equally importantly, in the summer style which is well and truly this seasons "New Black".
Before committing to this extravagance I ran the figures past my financial expert (aged 8, knows everything and keeps trying to convince me to go offshore, Ireland's the place apparently) who reminded me that there's a nearly new uniform sale coming up at school, so I could replenish their wardrobes and still have enough money left over to ensure the staff had a dry and secure space to sleep.
Well I let the bells ring out with joy, looked at his beaming face and declared that I should let the world know of this forthcoming joyous, value for money, ECO Week tie in, reuse & recycle event.
Which is a rather long winded way of saying we're hosting a good quality used uniform sale immediately after school next Friday 11th March. All items are reasonably priced and in good condition so please come along and pick up a bargain or two.
If you have any good quality clean uniform that is no longer required please donate this to any member of the POWSA committee and we'll ensure this is made available.
If you have any old uniform that is no longer required and too tired to be reused we can still make use of this and send it through the material recycling scheme. Please put this in the dumper located in the staff car park along with any old material, clothes (not shoes) or curtains.
Friday, 22 January 2016
POWSA EGM - Tuesday 26th Jan 7:45pm in the staffroom at school.
Can you imagine the excitement here at POWSA Towers at the prospect of another meeting to elect officers to vacant positions on the POWSA committee. For those of you who haven't lived through the circus that is POWSA election season think of the fervor that gripped the nation at the sight of Jeremy Corbyn's Hush Puppies intensified to the power of Boris Johnson's hair style with a liberal pinch of Sarah Palin sense* thrown in for good measure.
Alternatively it might be a group of volunteer parents trying to decide the best ways to help the school raise much needed funds to help all of our children and any help that you can give will be gratefully received. Don't worry, we won't elect you president at your first meeting, we will offer you a cup of tea and say "Hi"though and there have been scones in the past but I can't promise these again.
So please come along and help us to help our school, that's this Tuesday the 26th in the staffroom at 7:45pm.
*That is the first time in recorded history that the words "Liberal", "Sarah Palin", and "sense" have ever appeared in the same sentence
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